You could be eligible to claim!
Fill in your details below to get started

Completing this form will automatically generate a signed Letter of Authority which we will use to contact your lender(s) on your behalf.

By completing the form, you agree to our terms and conditions of business.

No-win, No-fee Claim

We operate on a no-win no-fee basis, so if your claim isn't successful we won't charge you a penny.

If your claim is successful, we'll charge a percentage of the compensation awarded for our time.

We Manage Your Claim

We'll check for mis-sold car finance and will manage the whole claims process on your behalf.

All we need from you is a few personal details and information about your finance agreement.

Experienced Team

We've been helping people obtain compensation from consumer claims for over 3 years.

During that time we've settled nearly 20,000 claims and recovered around £31 million in payouts from lenders.

£3,000 Avg. Claim

The average successful PCP finance claim is between £1,500 and £3,000, but some claims can be as high as £10,000.

The amount you receive is based on the amount of hidden commission charged.

50% Check your eligibility

Were you told about commissions that the dealership would receive?



0% Check your eligibility

Sorry - It doesn't look like you are eligible to claim for mis-sold car finance!

If you made a mistake, simply click the button below to start the assessment again.

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